Happy Holidays!

I’m calling this the New in ’22 issue of The Spin. The New Year will be here soon (feels like tomorrow!), and with it comes new products, projects, and events to kick things off right.
I’m particularly excited to tell you about a new professional development series for designers, created in partnership with Lori Bailey of Interface. Read to the bottom to learn more about that—and to find out how you can score a $100 donation to your favorite charity.
DARRAN Furniture
I want to share a new Honey order just placed in Huntsville as well as one still in the works in Pensacola. DARRAN knocked it out of the park with this new product, and it fully deserves the awards it won this year at Neocon. These project drawings show the versatility of the product line.
I’ll share some install pictures soon for the Huntsville project.

Three H Furniture
Chris Binnendyk with Three H was recently interviewed on the Sid Meadows podcast, The Trend Report. You can find the full episode here, and I encourage you to give it a listen!
I want to share this quote from the episode that exemplifies exactly what makes Three H such a standout company:
The core of what sets us apart—and frankly, this is what attracted me to the company in the first place—is [that] we have a unique and very strong customer service culture.
The culture of the company—since its inception almost 50 years ago—was driven around doing what was right for the customer. So layer on top of that some incredible, innovative, affordable products, and a willingness to adapt our product, […] and that’s really our overall value proposition.
It’s those three factors combined—with customer service being at the very core of it—that really set Three H apart.
– Chris Binnendyk, CEO of Three H Furniture Systems

SitOnIt Seating

SitOnIt Seating is expanding beyond the seating options you know with a new line of tables: Parallon!
Create cohesion in spaces large, small, shared, or separate with Parallon. It’s a single collection with a singular look, offering an array of choices for a variety of environments – and all the features to fit. This new product is ideally suited for training and educational settings.
When it comes to unmatched value and unlimited possibilities, Parallon is unparalleled.
Mark your calendars! Teresa Geetersloh with Hightower will be in Birmingham on February 1st and 2nd sharing some of the amazing products Hightower offers. You don’t want to miss this. I’ll reach out with specifics in the New Year. (Also, look at this sheepskin-covered Laminett chair!)

Save The Date!
New in ’22!

I am excited to announce a new quarterly professional development series created in partnership with Lori Bailey of Interface. The series will focus on issues (often overlooked) that are of particular interest and utility to designers in our industry. We are calling the series Life Hacks for Designers.
The Q1 event will be on February 24th. More details will follow!
Monthly Giveaway
Finally, in the spirit of the season, this month’s newsletter giveaway will be $100 to the charity of your choice.
Send me an email and tell me about the organization(s) you support. Your response will enter you into the giveaway, and I’ll choose one winner out of a hat!