The Spin 11/21

The Spin 11/21

Take a look behind the scenes. Here are 5 things you might not know about Harrison Workplace Furnishings! #1: I started in this industry in 1986. One of the first products I sold was post-it notes. #2: Shannon Speakman joined the HWF team in June 2020. Her superpower...
The Spin 10/21

The Spin 10/21

NeoCon Edition I’m back from Neocon 2021—what a great opportunity to see some amazing new products. The slightly reduced crowd this year meant the elevator situation was MUCH easier than usual. Despite the smaller numbers, it was a fantastic group of customers,...
The Spin 09/21

The Spin 09/21

Happy Fall! Who’s ready for cooler weather and glad football started? 🙋‍♂️ Our goal is to provide relevant information on our manufacturing partners while having a little fun each month. This month, I am re-sharing some social posts from...
The Spin 07/21

The Spin 07/21

Happy Summer! I hope you are enjoying lots of sunshine and time outside this summer! We have a wide range of active projects in the planning and installation stages as businesses, colleges, and healthcare facilities re-open and prepare to serve their users in new and...
The Spin 06/21

The Spin 06/21

Happy June everyone! How is this year halfway gone already? Don’t forget to get out and enjoy the sunshine this summer; it will be gone before we know it. This month, we are bringing you a really cool DARRAN install out of Texas, SitOnIt Seating’s spring...
New Gallery by Three H

New Gallery by Three H

Get Inspired The new rendering gallery by Three H Furniture serves as a great planning and designing tool, offering ideas for configurations and product design organized by series. The next time you begin planning a new space, start by browsing the gallery! Great...